It feels so good when a full garden installation is fished. The whole process from meeting and measuring to brainstorming with the client to putting the garden in place is so fun. The best part of what we do is getting to know the people we build for.  Amanda was so fun and encouraging to work with and we are excited to see her space grow!

Amanda was a fun client to work for who struggled with COVID in 2020 but is ready to take on ALL THE GARDEN THINGS in 2021. She is a wonderful person who shares joy with everyone around her, we hope the garden we built for her will bring her so much joy in return. Meet her in person at her very own gym here in Westminster! Empire fitness located on 92nd near Costco. I love how what we do brings so many great people into our lives, and this build was no exception.

This garden featured (4) 4’x4’x15” and (4) 4’x6’x15” Enzi” style cedar beds using repurposed and new locally sourced cedar. Amanda opted for “canyon brown” finish and completed her space with some vertical growing cattle panel arches. Stephen installed water hookups on the inside of each bed so she can save water with her soaker hoses!

The kids “helped” with setting the trellis’ and unloading the soil…. is it really “helping” when they add another 50lbs to a load of dirt?!

We filled each planter with a high quality, 5-way ready grow soil mix from our favorite local family owned landscaping company Soil and Stone in Broomfield.  We are very excited to see this space grow this summer!