I always anticipate the shoulder seasons with mixed emotions.  Fall is met with melancholy that my blissful days of just stepping into the garden to prepare a gourmet meal are coming to a close.  But yet anticipating the rest that comes after canning and preserving our excess for winter is surely welcomed.   This year, our season of rest brought to light some key things as a family that we need to pursue.

As we anticipate and approach spring, I am excited about what lies ahead, eager to get a start on those seedlings and meet my new clients.  This season of growth will be met with many changes for our family and my business.  Stephen and I have been talking for a while about finding a way to give the kids more space to roam free and be in touch with nature.  Where we are in Westminster just does’t provide what we ultimately want for their childhood.  We both grew up with woods to explore, room to run and no traffic!  We have made the decision to sell our home in Denver and relocate to an area that our kids can do just that… run free.

Having said that, this spring I will be liquidating as many of my materials as I can, fulfill as many full service and custom gardens as possible and enjoy my home garden for all its worth until July comes and we move on.  I’m working on ways where I can still source my repurposed materials from Denver and somehow provide what I do to this beautiful city regardless of where we end up.  I’ve discovered a passion and a niche that I love, and more importantly a community that I am not ready to completely leave quite yet.

I am so very thankful to the families who have supported us these past three years.  I have loved every minute and truly hope I can find a way to continue providing beautiful gardens to you.  It is with a heavy heart that I write this, but yet as I look forward, I am excited to see where the next steps take us and what is possible.

Happy gardening Denver!